approx. 800 kg
2 pallets
这些小型厢式货车能装载大概3立方的货物,通常用于快件和小件送货。 车型例如: VW Caddy
Capacity (pallets) | 2 pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 800 kg |
Capacity (load meter) | Variable |
Inner cabinet width | ca 1,5 metres |
Inner cabinet length | Variable |
Inner cabinet height | ca 1,2 metres |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | Variable |
Tail lift | N/A |
Exterior width | Variable |
Exterior height | Variable |

approx. approx.1400 kg
3 pallets
这些中型厢式货车能装大概5-11立方的货物,根据车型内部高度。 车型例如: MB Vito
Capacity (pallets) | 3 pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. approx.1400 kg |
Capacity (load meter) | Variable |
Inner cabinet width | approx.1,8 metres |
Inner cabinet length | Variable |
Inner cabinet height | 1,3 - 1,8 metres |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | Variable |
Tail lift | N/A |
Exterior width | Variable |
Exterior height | Variable |

approx. 1100 - 2000 kg
4 pallets
这些大型厢式车能够装14立方的货物,根据车型内部高度。 车型例如: MB Sprinter
Capacity (pallets) | 4 pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 1100 - 2000 kg |
Capacity (load meter) | Variable |
Inner cabinet width | approx.1,8 metres |
Inner cabinet length | Variable |
Inner cabinet height | Variable |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | Variable |
Tail lift | N/A |
Exterior width | Variable |
Exterior height | Variable |

approx. 1 ton
1 pallets
Capacity (pallets) | 1 pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 1 ton |
Capacity (load meter) | 4,5 metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,2 metres |
Inner cabinet length | 6 metres |
Inner cabinet height | 2,0 metres |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | 6 metres |
Tail lift | 600 kg |
Exterior width | 2,4 metres |
Exterior height | 3,2 meter |

approx. 2- 5 tonnes
12 - 15 pallets pallets
Capacity (pallets) | 12 - 15 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 2- 5 tonnes |
Capacity (load meter) | 6 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,4 metres |
Inner cabinet length | 7,5 metres |
Inner cabinet height | 2,35 metres |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | 7,5 metres |
Tail lift | 1000 kg |
Exterior width | 2,5 metres |
Exterior height | 3,5 metres |

approx. 8- 10 tonnes
18 - 20 pallets pallets
Capacity (pallets) | 18 - 20 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 8- 10 tonnes |
Capacity (load meter) | 7,5 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,4 metres |
Inner cabinet length | 10 meter |
Inner cabinet height | 2,5 metres |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | 10 meter |
Tail lift | 1500 kg |
Exterior width | 2,5 metres |
Exterior height | 3,9 - 4,2 metres |

approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU
33 pallets pallets
全封闭装货空间的3轴挂车 在车厢一边带有折叠门,可以从车厢侧面进行装货。车厢地板和壁上有紧固挂钩,用于固定货物。带锁车门让行窃者不易进入装货空间。
Capacity (pallets) | 33 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU |
Capacity (load meter) | 13,6 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,5 metres |
Inner cabinet length | 15,5 metres |
Inner cabinet height | 2,5 metres |
Crane | N/A |
Roof rack | N/A |
Length | 15,5 metres |
Tail lift | N/A |
Exterior width | 2,5 metres |
Exterior height | 4 metres |

approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU
34 pallets pallets
Capacity (pallets) | 34 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU |
Capacity (load meter) | 13,6 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,48 metres |
Inner cabinet length | |
Inner cabinet height | 2,7 metres |
Crane | |
Roof rack | |
Length | |
Tail lift | N/A |
Exterior width | |
Exterior height |

approx. 25 tonnes
38 pallets pallets
Truck with hanger
Capacity (pallets) | 38 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 25 tonnes |
Capacity (load meter) | 15,2 loading meters |
Inner cabinet width | 2,47 meters |
Inner cabinet length | 15,34 meters |
Inner cabinet height | 2,9 meters |
Crane | |
Roof rack | |
Length | 15,34 meters |
Tail lift | |
Exterior width | |
Exterior height |

approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. EU = N/A
33 pallets pallets
用于装松散物料的三轴挂车,比如木屑和工业废料。铝制密焊的全封闭装货空间。 侧面开启的折叠门,用于装长尺寸的货物。 地板是10mm厚的铝型材制成。
Capacity (pallets) | 33 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. EU = N/A |
Capacity (load meter) | 13,6 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,4 metres |
Inner cabinet length | |
Inner cabinet height | 3 metres |
Crane | |
Roof rack | |
Length | |
Tail lift | |
Exterior width | |
Exterior height |

20’ 集装箱
approx. 12,5 tonnes
18 pallets pallets
20’ 集装箱 = 1 TEU
Capacity (pallets) | 18 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 12,5 tonnes |
Capacity (load meter) | 7,6 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,4 metres |
Inner cabinet length | 7,8 meter |
Inner cabinet height | 2,6 metres |
Crane | |
Roof rack | |
Length | 7,8 meter |
Tail lift | |
Exterior width | 2,5 metres |
Exterior height | 4 metres |

approx. 6 -10 tonnes
15 - 18 pallets pallets
Capacity (pallets) | 15 - 18 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 6 -10 tonnes |
Capacity (load meter) | 6 - 7,5 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,4 metres |
Inner cabinet length | 10 - 11,4 metres |
Inner cabinet height | |
Crane | 16 - 52 tonnes/metres |
Roof rack | |
Length | 10 - 11,4 metres |
Tail lift | 1.500 kg |
Exterior width | 2,5 metres |
Exterior height | 3,6 - 3,8 metres |

SDOPS集装箱 – 铁路公路两用可侧面开启
approx. 14 - 16 tonnes
19 pallets pallets
Capacity (pallets) | 19 pallets pallets |
Capacity (weight) | approx. 14 - 16 tonnes |
Capacity (load meter) | 7,6 loading metres |
Inner cabinet width | 2,475 metres |
Inner cabinet length | |
Inner cabinet height | 2,8 metres |
Crane | |
Roof rack | |
Length | |
Tail lift | |
Exterior width | 2,55 metres |
Exterior height | 3,05 metres |